Grinding aids and strength enhancers
BXR additives are highly concentrated grinding aids formulated with select raw materials to guarantee consistent high quality and superior performance.
These additives are formulated to improve cement quality (early and/or ultimate strengths) and to aid cement grinding by increasing mill production.
In addition to the advantages through their use as grinding aids, BXR additives guarantee remarkable increases in early and ultimate strength.
BXR additives can increase strength mechanically by providing a better granulometric distribution of the finished cement as well as a higher cement fineness.
In addition, these additives can increase strength chemically by promoting a higher hydration rate of calcium silicates.
BXR additives may be successfully utilized in the grinding of blended cements (with such materials as blast-furnace slag, fly ash, pozzolans and limestone) and in all cases where a
significant increase in strength is needed. BXR additives are generally formulated to satisfy the goals of the cement factory.
One option for their use is increase early and ultimate strengths to improve the binder quality.
Alternatively, by keeping the cement quality unaltered, it is possible to reduce as much as 4% to 6% of clinker with other components.
Under normal conditions, the strength is increased 20% to 50% after one day, and an additional 5% to 15% after 28 days.
A third option for use of BXR additives is to reduce the cement fineness while keeping the same cement strength and gaining mill output.
Chemical-physical data
Please refer to the appropriate Safety Data Sheet.
Dosage: 0.02% to 0.20%
Cements, Type I and II: 0.02% to 0.04%
Cements, Type III: 0.03% to 0.07%
Blended cements: 0.10% to 0.20%
The higher dosage threshold is suggested if the aim is the substitution of clinker points with blended materials (such as blast-furnace slag, fly ash, pozzolans and limestone).
In any case, optimum dosage must be determined through a reliable industrial trial, preferably with the help of MAPEI’s Cement Additives Division (C-ADD) technicians.
BXR additives should be added to the clinker on the mill’s feed conveyor belt or sprayed in the first mill compartment utilizing a membrane or piston dosing pump
BXR additives are available in plastic totes measuring 275 U.S. gals. (1 041 L) and in bulk tankers with 45,000 lbs. (20 412 kg) in capacity.
Maintain the additives at a temperature above 32°F (0°C). In normal conditions, shelf life for BXR additives is at least 2 years.
Technical assistance
MAPEI’s C-ADD specialists are available to optimize the grinding circuit during the industrial trials and to suggest the most suitable dosage system.
Safety instructions
During the usage of BXR additives, respect the usual rules of industrial hygiene and manipulation of the chemical products.
For details, please refer to the SDS.
Although the technical details and recommendations contained in this Technical Data Sheet correspond with the best of our knowledge and experience, all the above information must, in every case, be taken as merely indicative and subject to confirmation after long-term practical applications.
For this reason, anyone who intends to use the product must ensure beforehand that it is suitable for the envisaged application.
In every case, the user alone is fully responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of the product.